Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmas Blessing - Jingle or No Jingle?

Will it be a boy or a girl?

Six days before Christmas we had our "anatomy scan" - as Dr. Ruk calls it - to first and foremost, check to make sure our little blessing is happy and healthy, and secondly find out whether we'll be playing baseball or cheerleading in a few years. :) The great news is everything looks just as it should be - ten fingers and ten toes, four healthy beating chambers of the tiny heart and a clear scan of the brain. We decided, since we were so close to Christmas, we'd put the results of the pink or blue question in an envelope to open on Christmas morning. The ultrasound tech was very kind to oblige our request. Trevor got as far as the parking lot of the doctor's office before he wanted to open the envelope. We were both crazy with the excitement of the anticipation.
That night, we had about 50 friends over to our house for our "Tacky Christmas Sweater Bash." All of our friends seemed to have just as much anticipation, begging for us to open the envelope. Late into the night, the idea started to sound better and better. ;)
So, we gave in - we lasted a whole 8 hours before we opened the envelope - but it was still a Christmas surprise. Here we are opening the envelope...

What's inside??

Much to mommy's suprise - It's A BOY!!!! Lindsey was sure it was a girl, but so excited to carry on a Starnes boy tradition.

Celebrating our baby boy...

Proud mommy and daddy...
.... And did you notice mommy's little baby bump - it's growing bigger every day. Just 20 more weeks to go!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Guess what?!

On Labor Day we discovered another type of labor would occur some time on or around May 16, 2009! We could not be more excited!!